
Safeguarding (March 2022)

Safeguarding is defined by The Children Act 2004 and The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Acts 2006, which means that we all have a duty of care to protect young people and vulnerable adults from harm or damage with an appropriate measure.

What have we done to improve the safeguarding service at LLC?

  • Increased the number of designated Safeguarding members within the Safeguarding Team.
  • Ensure we have an experienced Safeguarding Lead on our Board.
  • Staff onboarding training/awareness training.
  • Monthly Safeguarding newsletters will be available from March 2022 onwards.

About the Hollie Guard Safeguarding App

Hollie Guard Safeguarding App is a free app that was launched in October 2015, which when downloaded turns your phone into an advanced personal safety device.

This can be used for young people and adults in everyday life from when, travelling, walking the dog (especially in the dark hours), a person walking home and anytime feeling threatened, etc. If someone needs help it will not be far away. We highly recommend this app for all to use and share not only within LLC but useful for families and children to use. Safety is everything and especially your own families and once set up it can be a great safeguarding app for staff families as well as learners.

Sexual Violence and Harassment

What do we mean by sexual violence and harassment? Both exist on a continuum and may overlap; they can occur online and face to face, (both physically and verbally) and are never acceptable. Sexual violence includes rape, sexual assault, and assault by penetration, or causing someone to engage in sexual activity without consent.

To recognise and support learners/apprentices who are at risk of or affected by sexual harassment, sexual violence, and peer on peer abuse we need to ensure learners/apprentices feel safe in the environment, cared for, and feel welcomed. We also need to ensure that they know who to speak to regarding sexual violence and harassment.

Understanding Incel

An ‘incel’ is a person, usually a man but can be female, who regards themselves as being involuntary celibate, and typically expresses resentment and hostility towards those who are sexually active.

The shootings in Plymouth in August 2021 brought to our attention the life of the incel, a term that up to that point many were not aware of. Since 2014 there have been 8 mass murders resulting in 61 deaths. An attack in Toronto in 2020 resulted in the first prosecution as an act of terrorism. Evidence indicates incel communities have become more extremist, tending to focus on violence, and sometimes overlap with online hate groups.

Please talk to any member of the Safeguarding Team if you have any questions or concerns relating to any of the information above.

