With the New Year finally here, it’s time to consider your goals for the year. Are they to learn something new, start a new career, or even just expand on the knowledge and skills you already have?
Here at LLC, we have a wide range of courses available for you to look into and apply for. So why not learn something new today?
Browse our full range of programmes:
Courses: We have a wide variety of free and part-funded courses, including nationally recognised qualifications available for people aged 19 or over.
Traineeships: For people aged 16-24 (or up to 25 with an EHCP), providing the essential work preparation and skills to secure an apprenticeship, further education or employment.
Apprenticeships: Apprenticeships combine practical training in a job with study. You’ll need to be 16 or over, be living in England, have or be applying for a 35-hour-per-week job, and not in full-time education.
Employment-related Programmes: We offer a wide variety of services for you to become work ready and help you find your dream job.