Early this year, the Department for Education launched four new campaigns to support people to develop the skills needed to get good jobs and improve productivity at a local and national level. The campaigns make a great step towards helping both raise the public profile and reframe the narrative on technical education.
To continue this skills revolution and help people gain Skills for Life, the next burst of the four major campaigns has now launched:
1. ‘Get the Jump’ brings together all education and training choices for young people to help them decide their next step when they reach 16 and 18. It signposts to new simplified information about all their options on the National Careers Service website.
2. The Skills for Life: ‘Unlock your potential’ campaign supports adults to improve their skills and progress within their career or get a new job by bringing together all government backed courses and qualifications available. The campaign signposts to a new website where adults can find out more information about all the options in one place.
3. ‘Join the Skills Revolution’ aims to increase SME employers‘ awareness and understanding of the benefits of government training and employment schemes, bringing together all offers into a single campaign and website.
4. Further Education teacher recruitment – Share Your Skills calls on skilled industry professionals to share their valuable expertise and train the next generation of workers in their field by teaching in further education. Find out more at our new Teach in FE website.
London Learning Consortium (LLC) is proud to be part of the Skills for Life campaign. LLC is a community interest company that works for the benefit of communities and businesses across London and the South East. We offer courses, traineeships, apprenticeships, and employment-related services in:
- Skills for Life and Work (English, maths, digital and employability skills)
- Education and Childcare
- Health Care
- Leadership and Management
- Business Support & Customer Service
- Warehousing & Logistics
- Construction
- Housing
- And many more.
To find out about our programmes and possible government funding, call us on 020 8774 4040, email info@londonlc.org.uk.