The Kickstart scheme closed its application process on the 17th December 2021. Only employers who already have approved vacancies can continue to recruit up until March 31st.
Please click this link for more information – https://www.gov.uk/guidance/kickstart-scheme-closure
The Kickstart Scheme was announced by the Chancellor in the Summer and expects to offer hundreds of thousands of job opportunities over the next few years. A £2 billion pot is available to fully fund exciting positions with businesses across the UK, that have been trading for at least a year.
How did it work?
The Kickstart Scheme is a 6-month paid job with a local employer, funded by the Government. It provides a fully-funded opportunity for 16-24 year olds, who are claiming Universal Credit and are at risk of long-term unemployment. They will gain experience working in their chosen sector and the employer will receive a £1500 government funded startup payment for the employer, to support initial recruitment costs and training of the young person.
London Learning Consortium (LLC) is an experienced training provider delivering government-funded skills and employment-related services. As part of the Kickstart programme, we are representing employers to bid for this scheme and can provide all required employability training and support, delivered flexibly to meet employer’s needs. We have already had the first two cohorts of employers and placements approved and we are currently building our next cohort for submission. Get in touch today to find out how your organisation could be involved.
LLC will also provide a Work Experience Coach to support both you and your Kickstart candidate throughout the 6-month programme and beyond to enable them to progress to employment, apprenticeships or further education as appropriate.