After the success of two Traineeship Taster Days, we have decided to have another one this April for anyone that missed the last one. Our last taster day was a huge success with every young person enrolling on our traineeships.
On the 28th of April; 2023, we will be opening our doors to welcome parents, young people, carers and employers to our Traineeship Taster Day! So make sure you book a space for each person attending!
The day will be split into two sessions as follows:
- Session 1: 10 am – 11 am
This session will cover our Digital Marketing, Business Support, Beauty Therapy, Barbering, Nail Services, Hairdressing and Construction traineeships.
- Session 2: 11 am – 12 pm
This session will cover our Childcare Traineeship ONLY.
You can choose the session of your preference. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to enhance your understanding of the course, explore available funding options, discover work experience opportunities, and clarify any queries before enrolling. This is your chance to gather all the necessary information and make informed decisions about your academic and professional journey.
Enrolment is also available on the day! (You also get a free goody bag when you enrol). As well as the goody bag, there will also be refreshments served!
Prospective students will get the chance to:
- Learn about the course structure and syllabus.
- Ask questions about funding opportunities.
- Meet the team of staff.
- Meet previous students of the traineeships.
- See the facilities at London Learning Consortium.
- Meet employers and discover the exciting opportunities available for you.
You can sign up and register your place here.
Alternatively, get in touch with our Sales and Recruitment team for more information at or give us a call on 020 8774 4040.
Discover the benefits of our traineeships through testimonials from our learners. See what they have to say about their experience and how our program has helped them achieve their goals.